Gnarly Gnails
Nails, gel polish, makeup. Briefly about the main
We will tell you what varnish to use, how to make a manicure at home, which masters from salons will envy, what makeup to what type of skin. All about beauty and a little more.
Lipsticks & other cosmetics
Women tricks and tips
Real female magic and witchcraft
About me
I started blogging in 2012 reviewing nail polishes. At that time it was just a hobby, I studied, led an ordinary girlish life, but after several times my blogging activity was interrupted by everyday questions, reflections on life and other things. I decided to fully devote my life to this. My hobbies. I really like to paint my nails, put beauty on my face and other elements of personal care. I like it and I hope I can share my experience and knowledge with you, dear reader, and it will be useful to you.